Isabella Hill’s Outdoor Educational Adventure

Introduction to Fishing

Introduction to fishing

For this inquiry project, I am aiming to discover new ways to teach others about fishing. I will identify various topics throughout this term giving lessons that align with fishing, and how to grow your knowledge. I have chosen fishing due to the importance it has in our environment and how it can be a sustainable source of food if your are in the wild. Understanding one’s surroundings holds great significance, and establishing a connection with nature proves to be extremely beneficial for the mental health of all individuals. I selected this topic due to my great love for the outdoors specifically fishing. Furthermore, I hope to find ways to share my passion for fishing with my future classrooms, providing them with valuable knowledge about their surrounding environments.

How is fishing beneficial?

- Fishing can increase your mental health “reduce anxiety, fight off depression, and promote relaxation” -Ontario parks

- You become quite active and can strengthen your muscles from the constant activity

- Fishing can be a sort of meditation, your mind is constantly focused but relaxed

- You can improve your concentration

- I have a fishing partner while we fish we spend most of our time talking, this helps me deal with hard subjects in my life and vis-versa

- You can spend more time in the outdoors

- Being able to provide for yourself
Next you’re going to need an introduction to your basic fishing equipment!
Now that you know the basics, you should probably have a quick reminder of things you should bring along with you for your journey!

Parks, Author Ontario. “Health Benefits of Fishing.” Parks Blog, 4 July 2023,,known%20as%20the%20stress%20hormone). 



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